Category: Blog
Will a “Social Equity” Tax Fix Racism in Cannabis?
Although the people promoting a social equity tax have their hearts in the right place, fundamentally what they'll be doing is pushing cannabis back onto the black market and making sure that those who are most marginalized will be yet again targeted, says Kat Murti on BoldTV's Millennial Minute.
Debunking Sex Trafficking Myths and Misinformation
When discussing sex work, should we advocate for legalization or decriminalization? What can local governments do to protect trafficking victims without impeding on the freedom of sex workers? What the hell is the Nordic model? Nathan and Elizabeth discuss.
Watch: Free Love – A Feminists for Liberty Panel
A virtual panel featuring Maggie McNeill, Christian Hertenstein, & Liz Wolfe in a discussion with Feminists for Liberty’s Elizabeth Nolan Brown and Kat Murti.
Should Luxury Fashion Brands Be Allowed to Destroy Their Products to Protect Exclusivity?
The beauty of market capitalism is that the consumer is ultimately in control, says Kat Murti on BoldTV's Millennial Minute. While luxury fashion brands can afford to make a few errors in judgement, make too many and they’re out of business.
February Newsletter
In this newsletter: • Upcoming Events • Watch: Libertarians & The Left • Introducing Our New Meme Queen • What We've Been Reading, Listening To, & Watching
Is Too Much Power Concentrated In Two Parties?
In a system predicated upon choosing the “lesser of two evils,” evil always wins, says Kat Murti on BoldTV's Millennial Minute.
Is Mad Max: Fury Road A Feminist Movie?
Feminists for Liberty's Kat Murti joins's Pop & Locke Podcast for a discussion about feminist themes in 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road.
Should Student Loans Be Forgiven?
The federal government is largely to blame for the ballooning cost of college education in America, says Kat Murti on BoldTV's Millennial Minute.