Libertarianism is Consent Culture (#IDoConsent)

On Monday November 30th, join us for a special panel discussion celebrating the International Festival of Consent, featuring Cathy Reisenwitz, Avens O’Brien, and Leslee Ann Petersen, as well as Feminists for Liberty President Elizabeth Nolan Brown and Executive Director Kat Murti.

Libertarians & The Left

We’re ringing in 2021 and the new Biden-Harris administration with a look at where libertarian feminism fits in today’s political spectrum and what opportunities and challenges this presents us. Register here. Can libertarian feminists form alliances across the political spectrum? What about libertarians more broadly? How did libertarian-right fusionism happen and is there still a […]

#F4Lchats – Free Love

Zoom , United States

Join us on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 for a panel featuring Maggie McNeill, Christian Hertenstein, and Liz Wolfe.


Liberating Women: For Us, By Us

Zoom , United States

From our friends at COYOTE Rhode Island: Liberating Women: for us, by us: COYOTE RI and the Formerly Incarcerated Union of RI will be gathering on the second Sunday of each month from 5-6pm to discuss how to stop women in RI from being arrested, jailed, convicted, and separated from their loved ones. Our goal is to […]

Celebration of Life for Margo St. James

Zoom , United States

From COYOTE RI: Margo St. James, who founded COYOTE and later, the St. James Infirmary passed away January 11, 2021. A are a group of Margo’s friends, colleagues and a collective of supporters are producing an international tribute event on May 1, 2021 — “virtually”. It will run an hour and a half to two […]

FreedomFest 2021

Feminists for Liberty will be at FreedomFest 2021, from July 21 - 24th in Rapid City, South Dakota. If you're at Freedomfest this year, find our booth in the exhibit hall throughout the event or check out our panels: Feminism + Freedom Film Festival Join us as we debut the winners of our 2021 libertarian […]

Feminism + Freedom Film Festival @ FreedomFest

Join us as we debut the winners of our 2021 libertarian feminist video contest. Thursday, July 22 2:10pm – 3:00 pm in LaCroix D With Terry Kibbe, Avens O'Brien, & Elizabeth Nolan Brown For FreedomFest attendees only.

Feminism Needs to Stop Calling the Cops

Feminism Needs to Stop Calling the Cops A look at how the criminalization & overregulation of social problems backfires, the trouble with mainstream feminism, and libertarian alternatives. Friday, July 23 11:00am – 11:30 am @ Main Stage 2 – Theater With Naomi Wolf, Avens O’Brien, Maggie McNeill, Melissa Mann, and Brittany Hunter Moderated by Elizabeth […]

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