Brianna Coyle – 2021 Video Contest Winner
"Libertarianism and feminism are not at odds with one another," Coyle explains.
"Libertarianism and feminism are not at odds with one another," Coyle explains.
"Here’s my video about why the liberty movement should focus more on decriminalizing sex work in the whoring 20s," Reisenwitz says.
“As a Black woman, a libertarian, and a feminist, I believe that it is well past time to acknowledge the history of a great people who truly know how dangerous and unaccountable the government can be," says Davis.
Libertarianism and feminism make fine bedfellows—though you might not know it from talking to folks adopting either label in 21st century America.
April 29th through May 2nd, hundreds of Students for Sensible Drug Policy members, alumni, community members, and allies will come together from around the globe for our second virtual drug policy conference.
Join us on Tuesday, March 23, for a look back on women’s history from a libertarian feminist viewpoint This virtual panel will feature’s Paul Meany, The Oldest Profession Podcast’s […]
The movement for "free love" is rooted in early libertarian and feminist ideas.
Join us on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 for a panel featuring Maggie McNeill, Christian Hertenstein, and Liz Wolfe.
Join us on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 for a chat with Shikha Dalmia, Carolyn Fiddler, and Brianna Coyle.
We’re ringing in 2021 and the new Biden-Harris administration with a look at where libertarian feminism fits in today’s political spectrum and what opportunities and challenges this presents us. Register […]