Panel: Against Collectivist Feminism — A tribute to Joan Kennedy Taylor

Join us for a chat about Joan Kennedy Taylor & the battle for feminism’s soul — past, present, & future.

From the Victorian era to the hippie era, the 1990s to today, feminists have fought over the role of the state and the importance of individualism in achieving feminist goals.

Joan Kennedy Taylor detailed this dichotomy in her 1992 book Reclaiming the Mainstream: Individualist Feminism Rediscovered a book that reads surprisingly like it could have been written today. We’ll be discussing the book, Taylor’s life, and how her work and the feminist battles of the ’90s still resonate in 2023.

Panelists: Walter Olson, Cathy Reisenwitz, & Elizabeth Nolan Brown | Moderated by: Kat Murti

When: April 23, 7-8 p.m.

Where: Your computer

Register: (you need to register in order to get emailed a Zoom link on the day of the panel)

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