A Look Back at our 2020 Video Contest Winners
As we look forward to all the fantastic 2021 Video Contest entries, we also want to look back on last year's winners
As we look forward to all the fantastic 2021 Video Contest entries, we also want to look back on last year's winners
In this introduction video, Todd Krainin lays out what he looks for in a video contest entry. Todd is a documentary filmmaker in Los Angeles. He spent a year dodging […]
Kat Murti and Liz Nolan Brown examine COVID-19's impact on the workforce, on parents, & on women.
"Resources that could actually be used to help people who are being exploited [are] not going to that. Because instead, police and officials are just spending all of their time chasing people who are doing this consensually."
The loose prompt for this year’s contest is: What does libertarian feminism look like in the 2020s?
In this episode, we explain what, exactly, free market capitalism IS (and isn't) and why it has been—and continues to be—vital to women’s rights.
Join us on Tuesday, March 23, for a look back on women’s history from a libertarian feminist viewpoint This virtual panel will feature Libertarianism.org’s Paul Meany, The Oldest Profession Podcast’s […]
Feminists for Liberty's Kat Murti joins Libertarianism.org's Pop & Locke Podcast for a discussion about feminist themes in 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road.
The movement for "free love" is rooted in early libertarian and feminist ideas.